Flix And A Six

Episode 26: Episode 26: We’re Road Tripping It



A Halloween special! Yea we know, it’s airing November 2nd, but it’s right here with the past week of Halloween festivities. It also allowed us to squeeze in at least one pumpkin beer, in keeping with the theme, and it was a good one. We featured Two Roads Roadsmary’s Baby, so we have all sorts of pumpkin/horror movie/Halloween tie-ins. Plus, all the best shows have special Halloween episodes, so allow us to shake off the vagaries of the calendar. Anyway…. We saw It! Now we’re here to talk about It, and folks, we sure did talk about it. This episode is chock full of content, ranging from the strange to the insane, the important to the inane. And, apologies, but it gets 50 sorts of weird at the end, so hopefully you survive. No seriously, don’t say we didn’t warn you; Anthony barely made it to the finish line after the topic Al brought up. So enjoy a spooky installment of Flix & a Six, only on The Spinchoon!