Flix And A Six

Episode 25: We Fly around the Golden Circle



We’re Back! That’s right, Flix & a Six is back, and hopefully better than ever. We apologize for our hiatus, but we’re glad you decided to stick around. We address our mysterious disappearance, with a little state of the union discussion (highlights include: discovering a hidden stash of Nazi paraphernalia, bachelor party antics, wedding hijinks, and honeymoon travel angst), as well as some info on how we have decided to tweak the show format juuuust a little. Don’t worry, we’re still the show that you all kinda like a little bit. We also tackle some news that’s near, and dear, to our viewing hearts. All of this is just an appetizer to the main course: Kingsman: The Golden Circle. Man do we like these movies (Spoiler Alert I know…..). Finally we sample our second Gray Sail Brewing Beer, their Extra Pale Ale, Flying Jenny. Welcome back, beloved audience, to a brand new episode of Flix & a Six, only on The Spinchoon!