Flix And A Six

Episode 24: We sit down to a Legendary Breakfast



Tom Hardy fans rejoice! This week our focus (Ok we might have been pretty unfocused in this episode. There was some medium to heavy rambling) was on Legend, the Tom Hardy feature that features twice the Tom Hardy. Of course, when it comes to Flix & a Six, you know that’s not all you’re gonna get: there was some breaking news that’s not really breaking by the time you listen (In fairness, the Star Wars news was fresh when we were originally supposed to air, but one of the hosts missed that day…. and the next…. We won’t say which but his name MIGHT rhyme with Shmanthony Shmostanzo.), beer (obviously), and even a possible sneak peek at an upcoming episode topic. Speaking of beer, we’re building a new streak of good beers, with this week’s Cricket Hill Brewing’s Jersey Summer Breakfast Ale performing very well. So follow along with this newest offering from Flix & a Six, only on The Spinchoon!