Flix And A Six

Episode 17: We Drink (but don’t drive) to Baby Driver



Baby Driver. Dogfish Head Beer to Drink Music to ’17 Tropical Blonde Ale, which is, per the labeling “A liquid soundtrack for welcoming warmer weather.” If you’ve seen the movie (which if you haven’t go see it now, then come back because we’re on a hot streak and this episode is gold) you know how the soundtrack is intrinsically tied to the movie. So beer and movie are a match made in heaven. As are the script, actors, set pieces, and music within the movie. It’s a rare cinematic achievement: a perfectly crafted film entirely fitting Edgar Wright’s style. Just like this episode is true to the Flix & a Six form: beer, movie, rambling, random references, Mass Effect (Plot Twist: it was brought up by Anthony this time!), and absurd tangents….. And Star Wars. Obviously….. ahem….. anyway…. NEW FLIX & A SIX IS BACK AFTER A HOLIDAY BREAK, ONLY ON THE SPINCHOON!