Flix And A Six

Episode 16: Nobody says “Here Goes Nothing!” like Mr. Nobody



At the conclusion of our recording, Anthony said “This was our best episode.” The stakes are high. If you’ve been listening along with us (all 3 of you) you’ve heard us mention Mr. Nobody before. Well the moment that no more than one of you has been waiting for has finally arrived, because that’s our topic today. We have thoughts. Oh, do we have thoughts for you. If you’ve seen this movie (and if not go change that, it’s on Netflix, you have no excuse not to) and don’t have thoughts, then you might have slept through it. But that’s not all, because we have all the things you love best about Flix & a Six: ridiculous tangents, self-referential inside jokes you probably can’t follow (not your fault), an Al’s Ales (Al’s Ales!) original, Star Wars news, Arrested Development jokes. It’s a jam-packed, classic episode. So now you’re prepared to listen to an all-timer, the latest episode of Flix & a Six, only on The Spinchoon!