Flix And A Six

Episode 10: May the Fourth be with you! (An Anniversary Episode)



That’s right it’s the 40th anniversary of Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope. So because we love the Star Wars Saga so much, and because Star Wars day was this past weekend (and no other reasons, definitely not anything schedule related or because we couldn’t see all the movies we had planned to see. Trust us), we decided to spend some time discussing one of our favorite movies (although as Anthony alleged this one is no one’s favorite Star Wars). And we talked about some stuff in the rest of the Star Wars universe as well because we wanted to. It’s our show we’ll do what we want and you’ll like it. This discussion was made possible by the most fitting beer companion: Newburgh Brewing 5th Anniversary Ale. It’s an Imperial Cream Ale, so between references to empires and anniversaries, this beer was a no brainer. Plus when have you known us to turn down a new offering from Newburgh? Please enjoy our celebration of these important dates in history, here on Flix & a Six, only on The Spinchoon!