Flix And A Six

Episode 9: We set sail ‘round the world wondering Why Him?



We debut a couple new aspects in the Flix & a Six universe in this episode: a full-on comedy movie topic and a live audience. The movie this week is Why Him?, featuring the odd pairing of Bryan Cranston and James Franco. Not exactly Abort and Costello in the pantheon of comedy duos, but damnit if they didn’t catch lightning in a bottle on this one. The two of them are the core of this comedy’s success, even if it’s the scene stealing Keegan-Michael Key who has the highest comedic highs. So in case you couldn’t put all that together: this movie is damn funny. As was our awkward inclusion of Al’s brother Dominick (well maybe not damn funny but it had it’s moments) as the aforementioned live audience; our very own peanut gallery. He also supplied us with our beer this week, Grey Sail Brewing Flagship Ale, a cream ale from Rhode Island. So many thanks to Dominick for his contributions this week. So come join us in a hearty laugh alongside Why Him? In the newest Flix & a Six, only on the Spinchoon!