Flix And A Six

Episode 8: We face our fears with Stout hearts, and hunt down the Ghost within



We tread a little new ground here, as our choice of the new release Ghost in the Shell marks the first movie we weren’t fully simpatico in our desire to go see. Since Al was cautiously interested, but Anthony was much less so, it made for a different viewing and discussion experience. We open up the movie talk with a fun little tangent on the recent trends in movie trailers (it’s relevant, Ghost in the Shell followed the trend) before we get to the heart of the matter. Our discussion covered a wide range of topics, including the effects of expectation on our perception of a movie we were unsure on. We dabbled in some more world building talk (it’s no John Wick as Anthony would say), as well as the cinematography and visual aesthetic that makes this movie somewhat unique in the current movie landscape. Plus don’t get us started (this was probably our favorite part) on the cast, which is really where this movie was at its strongest. From the stars we know (Michael Pitt sighting!), to the relative unknowns (seri