Flix And A Six

Episode 2: We take a road trip with Weapon X and Sir Charles, and pick up Jessica in Newburgh



Now that the 3-part saga that was our debut has concluded, it’s time to move on to Logan. And because we are the professionals you’ve come to expect (Ha!), we even figured out how to do a proper spoiler warning (not proud that it took this long. We’re sorry). In all seriousness, we spend the first half of the episode talking completely (mostly) spoiler free to give you a feel for how much we enjoyed the movie if you haven’t seen it yet. It’s ridiculously good. The first half also includes our sampling and review of Newburgh Brewing Company’s (still not sponsored. Who knew business was so difficult?) Jessica, a sour cherry porter. The second half of the episode is our deep dive into what made Logan the best X-Men movie to date, as well as a possible occurrence of Al crying at a movie (all 4 of you that have been with us this far will get this, the rest of you…. O well and also don’t judge us). So buckle up, and listen up, as we take you on this emotional roller coaster on Flix & a Six, only on the Spinchoon!