Raasch Thoughts

Beauty of Imperfection



In the art of Kintsugi pottery is broken and then put together using gold lacquer to make that pottery even more beautiful than before. Although not perfect, there is beauty in it. Just like the beauty of a walk in the woods in the fall. Leaves strewn every where, branches broken and fallen, trees leaning on other trees, no order whatsoever, but beautiful in it's own right. We all have parts of us that are not perfect, yet those are the parts that make us unique and perfect in our own right. Maybe we have trauma in our past, maybe we aren't athletic or can't sing, but we can write stories that inspire the masses. Maybe we don't understand technology, but we are a great chef. We dwell on what we can't do and what makes us not perfect, versus finding our uniqueness and exploiting that gift. Because I assure you your uniqueness and gifts are exactly what this world needs to be better. We need you beautiful imperfections that make our families, communities and world better for the future. So embrace your imperfec