Acting Successfully With Michelle Dyer

Podcast Episode #1 - Healthy Eating on the Road - Interview with Melissa Robinette



In this episode Melissa Robinette and I discuss Healthy Eating on the Road for performers. We've got some great tips for your regional and touring gigs. [caption id="attachment_411" align="alignright" width="300"] Melissa Robinette[/caption] MelRob was born into the circus and constantly works as an actor. She started putting together, advertising, booking, and negotiating her own contracts for her one woman show at age ten, complete for her one woman show at age ten, complete with self facilitated costume changes. MelRob booked her first NYC audition, been a working union actor for over 15 years. She books ALL of her work through EPAs and ECCs. MelRob lives in Astoria on an organic farm with her husband, pitbulls and 6 chickens. The Biz of Show came about from her circus family, where there is a systematic way to run your biz.  She is also the Eastern Vice President of Actors Equity. [caption id="attachment_409" align="aligncenter" width="300"] In the Kitch