
E18 // What's Up With RFPs Lately and A Full Course Meal's Worth of Bite-Sized Takes



Trent here, and I learned a thing! Anchor allows us to hyperlink in descriptions (what!), so now you can simply click the name of the ad we discuss and you'll get swept away to a fancy page that tells you more about it and actually shows you the ad. Crazy Right? Watching ads on a page that tells you about ads, while listening to three guys discuss the ad... Hell of a time to be alive huh? (UPDATE: looks like the links may only work on Apple Podcasts and Anchor, so there’s that haha UPDATE UPDATE: It's Trent from almost a year later, I'm updating episodes to have our new artwork and I don't think this hyperlinking thing worked :/ ). Anyway, full episode description below :)  In this week's roundtable, Trent, Zack, and Cole discuss a recent and concerning trend among marketing RFPs (Request for Proposals). They also answer a fan question about how students can prioritize their time to learn new topics and skills while balancing a busy workload. They then wrap up the show with some not so bite-sized takes