
E13 // The Reunion (Featuring Zack Potthoff)



After some time off, Trent and Cole return to Salad with an old friend. That's right... our favorite copywriter over at LAVIDIGE, Zack, is back in the Salad studio for a reunion episode! Today, the three discuss some of the more inventive attempts at internships they've seen, as well as their favorite work, and Zack's advice for students.  2:28 // Face tattoos, fake IDs, library notes, and other inventive attempts at securing internships. 7:12 // Zack's transition from college to a full time copywriting job in the ad industry. 14:04 // The importance of finding a company culture that fosters your growth as a junior-level employee. 16:50 // Deep dive into Halo Top's recent ads and why they work. 21:02 // Experiential marketing and augmented reality at SXSW (Note: Lush actually did the AR without Snapchat... ya win some and ya lose some haha). 29:25 // Zack's advertising newsletter Madness. 41:38 // Zack's advice for students who are nearing graduation. Thanks as always for listening! Let us know what yo