Just Sway

Episode 11 - "Blue Family," An inside look at why the Blue October fans are one big family.



One the most intriguing parts about Blue October's fans is this thing we call the "Blue Family." It's not something that is easily describable - but once you experience it, you know it's real. In talking with other fans one thing that came up often was this connection that is felt with others who also experience the music, or the concerts, or Justin's journey and story. Once you know another person is a Blue October fan - boom, the connection is instantaneous.In this episode I focused more on what is behind that, and what others have felt in this same sense.Original show artwork created by Alicia Urbanski of Peaches Art Shop. For more information or to look at more of her works, check out: https://www.peachesartshop.comJust Sway is an independent project, with no affiliation with Blue October. I do not own any of the music used. All music is owned and copyright protected by Blue October.