Just Sway

Episode 4 - Fear



One of the most moving and impacting songs from Blue October - after hearing it, Fear takes a special place in every fan's heart. The music, the beat, and those incredible lyrics are so unique and really tell a beautiful story of triumph. Join me in this episode as I take a deeper look into Fear and how it's impacted some of us. To read John A. Daly's articles, "Justin Furstenfeld of Blue October — a Concert Experience That’s Good for the Soul," click here: http://www.johndalybooks.com/justin-furstenfeld-blue-october-concert-experience-thats-good-soul/ or, "Justin Furstenfeld’s Cult of Gratitude," click here: https://bernardgoldberg.com/justin-furstenfelds-cult-of-gratitude/ For the "Bee Story," use the link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dcdHRhHDIY and go to about the one hour and ten minute mark. It's well worth the time. Original show artwork created by Alicia Urbanski of Peaches Art Shop. For more information or to look at more of her works, check out: https://www.pea