Just Sway

Episode 3 - Origins, Part II



This is the second episode in a two part series on some of our "Origins" with Blue October. Where did you first hear about Blue October, or how did you come to find their music? I talked with a few other Blue fans and got their story, along with some other little notes. I will have more with each of my guests from this episode. But for now, here’s some additional information. Connect with Jason of JDM photography on his instagram account here: https://instagram.com/jdmphotography.us?utm_source=ig_profile_share&igshid=m0yielc816bf Original show artwork created by Alicia Urbanski of Peaches Art Shop. For more information or to look at more of her works, check out: https://www.peachesartshop.com Just Sway is an independent project, with no affiliation with Blue October. I do not own any of the music used. All music is owned and copyright protected by Blue October.