Just Sway

Episode 2 - Origins



This episode is the first in a two part series on some of our “Origins” with Blue October. Where did you first hear about Blue October, or how did you come to find their music? I talked with a few other Blue fans and got their story, along with some other little notes. I will have more with each of my guests from this episode. But for now, here’s some additional information. Tara Felina’s book, Jump Rope, can be found on Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble’s website. Connect with John A. Daly on his website: www.johndalybooks.com Original show artwork created by Alicia Urbanski of Peaches Art Shop. For more information or to look at more of her works, check out: https://www.peachesartshop.com Just Sway is an independent project, with no affiliation with Blue October. I do not own any of the music used. All music is owned and copyright protected by Blue October.