Verbal Diorama

Captain America: The First Avenger



Talk about Captain America: The First Avenger? I can do this all day.It's one of the MCUs most underrated gems. It's less bombastic than most in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its World War II setting grounds the movie in an alternate reality.Chris Evans brings depth and humility to Steve Rogers, after the super serum that turns him into the star-spangled man with a plan, but mostly before, when he's just regular Steve. The fact the movie dwells on pre-serum Steve for so long is actually one of its major strengths - we get to know the man behind the super soldier. A man of honesty, compassion, humility and an overwhelming desire to fight for freedom. It shapes the Captain America he is to become. And what a Cap!I would be remiss not to mention one of the MCU's finest leading ladies. Hayley Atwell took her role as Peggy Carter and made it so iconic, she got her own (excellent, may I add) two-season TV series as a companion piece.While it's drowned out of the MCU by bigger, bolder and brighter future entries, C