Plantriotic Podcast

PP#48: Kim-Julie – How to be a practical vegan



You either remember a time when "going vegan" seemed impossible, or you are of that mindset right now. Even when I was a five year vegetarian before going vegan, I thought vegans were from another planet. It was something I thought I could never identify with...and now look at me, I am a vegan activist! Kim shares a similar story. Growing up moving and traveling around the world, Kim fell ill to a variety of health issues that also led her to an uncomfortable weight and bad relationship with food. After learning about animal agriculture during a school assignment, Kim found herself in a moral pickle of believing in the ethical framework of practicing a vegan lifestyle, but with no clue how to put it into practice. She studied, read, watched videos, and over the years figured out the version of the vegan diet that worked for her best. Kim decided she wanted to help others overcome the obstacles she faced while transitioning to a vegan diet, so she started on social media. In 2013 she started her instagram acco