Plantriotic Podcast

PP#46: Alicia Pell (Farm Sanctuary)- Rescuing farm animals is her job



Animals are individuals, not commodities. While this may seem obvious to you, it’s not the reality for over 60 billion land animals living today. Over thousands of years animal agriculture has commodified the livelihoods of dozens of species such as cows, chickens, pigs, goats, turkeys, rabbits, ducks, sheep and many more. These practices have culturally normalized the enslavement, abuse, and of course ultimate murder of these non-human animals.  Farm Sanctuary is a non-profit organization created by Gene Baur (PP Episode #5) which serves as a safe haven for the few lucky animals that are rescued from this torturous industry. Currently operating in three locations around the US, Farm Sanctuary takes in abused livestock animals and gives them a safe and comfortable place to live out the rest of their lives in peace. I had the privilege of visiting their Acton CA location, just 45 minutes outside of Los Angeles where I was able to record this podcast with Farm Sanctuary’s National Animal Placement Coordinator A