Plantriotic Podcast

PP#43: Sharon McDowell-Larsen, Ph.D. – Breaking down the science of a plant-based diet



If you are a vegan like me without a masters or Ph.D. in science, biochemistry or nutrition, it can be challenging to convince skeptics that a plant-based diet is optimal for longevity, health, chronic disease prevention and athletic performance. Even if you are someone who likes to do research in medical and health journals, we only have so much time to read hundreds of pages of scientific papers. So who do we go to to trust and understand the science behind the benefits of a vegan diet...people like Sharon McDowell-Larsen. Sharon received a Master’s and Ph.D. in exercise physiology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her graduate research examined the impact of exercise and training on immune function. She was born in Zimbabwe, spent her childhood in South Africa, attended high school in Canada, and taught English in Costa Rica during college. For over 25 years she has competed nationally and internationally as a triathlete, runner, and a professional mountain biker. She also enjoys yoga, snowboarding