Plantriotic Podcast

PP#40: Sorsha Morava – Vegan YouTube-ing with NO F*#k$ given



I think there are two reasons why so many people hate PETA. The first is that they are obnoxious, controversial, in your face and raunchy. The second reasons is that their effective. Despite so many peoples hatred toward their approach, it works. There is no other animal rights organization that has worked with so many celebrities and has inspired so many people to go vegan. Being boring, politically correct, and PG doesn't really work as an activist, its not attractive. Sorsha Morava, like a handful of other vegan YouTubers, is using the PETA model to bring more people into the vegan conversation. There are a lot of YouTube channels that produce content for “level 5 vegans” which is preaching to the choir. While those channels are appreciated and useful, we need more vegans talking to a mainstream audience. Sorsha is screaming to the mainstream. Her YouTube videos are sexy, controversial, and usually about a big name celebrity or YouTuber that she has a bone to pick with. Her most popular video is called “Le