Plantriotic Podcast

PP#36: Julie Piatt – Life in dance with the divine



The way we live has a direct impact on the people who we share our lives with from spouses, to children, friends, teachers, co-workers and even strangers we pass by. Our own habits are so influential to others that it is ever persons responsibility to live in the best light they know. Julie Piatt aka "SriMati" is a mother, a spouse, musician, chef, author, and spiritual practitioner that lives life in dance with the divine. Julie's path towards wellness and health is not linear. Struggling with family acceptance at a young age, substance abuse and marital break ups, Julie discovered yoga and plant-based nutrition which served as an angel to her life's trajectory. Julie developed a diagnosed incurable cyst on her neck, which she was able to treat through alternative medicine of diet and ayurvedic herbs. As the wife of the elite Ultra triathlete Rich Roll, Julie became a master plant-based chef needing to satisfy the needs of a high performance athlete, four children, and the wandering artists and spiritual tea