Plantriotic Podcast

PP#28: Robby Barbaro – The Mindful Diabetic’s prescription for a fruit-based diet



If there is one food a diabetic shouldn't eat it's sugar, right? Wrong! Robby Barbaro, also known as The Mindful Diabetic is a fruitarian living with Type 1 diabetes. After getting diagnosed with Type 1 (which is genetic) Robby began researching and experimenting with what the best diet and lifestyle is for someone trying to manage this condition. After years of experimentation Robby found the raw, high carb, low fat, whole food plant-based approach worked best. Robby has been eating a fruit-based raw vegan diet for almost a decade and has watched his bodies need for insulin go down over the years, proof that this diet works! In this conversation Robby and I discuss why people are so misinformed about sugar and diabetes, and how fruit can be the magic solution. Robby is an original member of the fruitarian community, and has worked for Forks Over Knives since 2010 as the Operations Manager. Robby met his girlfriend, Ally Ertel, at the University of Florida where he graduated with a degree in Event Management