Plantriotic Podcast

PP#23: Ian Myers – Raw vegan muscle and detoxifying to inner peace



The easiest and most effective way to let people know you get enough protein as a vegan is to look the part. Ian Myers is a perfect example of what raw vegan muscle looks like. Five years ago Ian went through a major transformation and healed his body from a variety major health challenges. By changing his diet and embracing a RAW Living Plant Based lifestyle, in addition to doing an intensive 12 month detox,cleanse and purification program that incorporated natures botanical herbs, Ian lost over 55 lbs and gained his vitality back. Before embarking on his health journey, he was diagnosed with heart disease, high blood pressure, pancreatic weakness, chronic digestive Issues and severe acne. Ian Myers has been in the fitness and wellness industry for over a decade. He is passionate about helping people live a healthy lifestyle through nutrition, exercise and detoxification. Ian is a RAW Vegan, a father of twin girls, and is very active in his community. Ian is the author of the healthy lifestyle