Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

A mayor and a business owner challenge the governor's authority - Stan Pulliam and Lindsey Graham - Ep 33



Let’s just jump right into it. Both my interviews this week feature someone who has had enough of Kate Brown’s draconian and arbitrary lockdown orders and have decided to do something about it. Both of these folks have decided that it’s time to start asking Kate the hard questions. My first interview this week is with Stan Pulliam, the Mayor of Sandy, Oregon. Mayor Pulliam has heard from business owners in his community who are right on the precipice of shutting down for good. In turn, the mayor has started asking the governor lots of questions. We talk about the phone call he had with Kate Brown, how he’s been invited to speak in towns across Oregon, and the overwhelming response he’s received by desperate business owners wanting the freedom to run their businseses, despite almost no promotion of his speaking engagements. Pulliam is leading an effort for businesses to voluntarily reopen on January 1 to show that we can open up our economy safely and responsibly, and help small business survive in Oregon. You