Salt Circle Podcast

Episode 10 - Ben Went To A Football Game



This week's episode is built around the fact that Ben recently attended an NFL Football game. Hank follows football but hasn't really watched it in like three years, instead just listening to podcasts and radio talking about it regularly. So there's talk about that experience, some football talk, some general sports talk and some nice tangents on lots of other bullshit. Hank loses the word armpit at one point, and also talks about the weird thing in DC comics of people getting their arms chopped off. So enjoy that. Also Voice meter shat the bed briefly on Hank's end so there were some audio issues we tried to clean up, If any slipped by us we apologize. Here's the youtube video on the 222-0 football game Hank mentions: Email: Twitter: @SaltCirclePod Hank's Twitter: @ComicPanels Ben's Twitter: @Bean_LP Logo Artist: