Salt Circle Podcast

Episode 5 - Avatar: The Last Airbender



Avatar: The Last Airbender is the mighty oak around which this podcast grows and surrounds. This is a rambly one as we dip in and out of talking about a show that we both just think is great. Ben makes poor life choices. Hank talks about anime. Ben cannot remember the name Aku (The shapeshifting Master of Darkness) for the life of him. Hank spends too much of his life pensively thinking about the production of kids shows. And Ben is unsure that Terrence Howard and Don Cheadle are different people. Also we talk about the terrible movie, the general lack of Avatar merchandise, and the fact that there are very good sequel comics that Ben won't read because he's against giving people money for things that they make. We do not however dig into Korra, that'll be a future podcast. Email: Twitter: @SaltCirclePod Hank's Twitter: @ComicPanels Ben's Twitter: @Bean_LP Logo Artist: