Salt Circle Podcast

Episode 3 - The Popularity of Game of Thrones



This is not really a podcast for people for people who love Game of Thrones. This is a podcast by two people looking at Game of Thrones as a phenomenon like an animal at the zoo. Hank and Ben don't really have strong feeling about the show one way or another honestly. It's fine. It's the way the show has dominated mainstream culture that drives this conversation. Get ready for talk of Christian's watching Game of Thrones, the rise of Incest Porn, and the way Game of Thrones manages to be watchable to people who do not give a shit about it, while also having a fervent nerdy fanbase, anime, and the power that comes with not having a dick. Also they go on a bunch of tangents on other stuff that will probably lead to future episodes. Get teased. Also spoilers I guess. Email: Twitter: @SaltCirclePod Hank's Twitter: @ComicPanels Ben's Twitter: @Bean_LP Logo Artist: