Hope Through Knowledge With Zoë A. Lewis, M.d., Talk Radio For Caregivers

30 Minutes with author J. Dietrich Stroeh .



Three Months: A Caregiving Journey from Heartbreak to Healing (Folkheart Press, 2012). Join me and the author J. Dietrich Stroeh as we cover  his story of his wife's terminal cancer. Dietrich Stroeh takes readers inside the Stroeh household where home care, medical decisions and much needed laughter give extraordinary shape to an unexpected and devastating illness.Dietrich Stroeh's beautiful, heart wrenching and, yes, often humorous account of his wife's cancer is both personal and universal. It is a must-read for anyone diagnosed with terminal cancer and also, for the caregiver, who is often left navigating uncharted medical and emotional waters. The tips and resource information that lace through his book are invaluable. The diagnosis of cancer often takes the patient and family deep into dark places filled with fear, anger and loneliness. There are no simple rules to follow, no easy answers as to how to move forward. Dietrich Stroeh has taken the reader of this book on his own personal path and describes w