The Tao Of Self Confidence With Sheena Yap Chan

323: That’s It With Miki Sturges



Miki Sturges is a mom to three boys, wife and a mom entrepreneur. She launched Mamapreneurs Club in 2016 that provides a space for women entrepreneurs to be encouraged, inspired, and share training so that they can be empowered to pursue being a work at home entrepreneur, to move onto the next level n their business. She enjoys online marketing because of its flexibility, and reach of global market. She’s involved in local women’s group, semi-professional choir, her church, and her sons’ school while balancing being a mom, a wife and an entrepreneur. Her ultimate wish is to empower and encourage as many women entrepreneurs as possible to reach their success and lead a lifestyle they desire whatever that may be. Miki was a victim of emotional and physical abuse from her ex-husband at the time which was a scary time in her life. She had kept it a secret since she was brought to never talk about her troubles and to always show a perfect facade to her peers. When Miki realized her own worth, it was the moment s