Asterisk Piano Podcast (pj Cornell)

SONATA FOR GUITAR AND PIANO – in e flat minor | AsteriskedMusic.Com



Sonata for Guitar and Piano in e flat minorThis is a sonata for guitar and piano in e flat minor. While it is somewhat in the realms of minimalism and jazz in terms of style, it follows the basic classical three-movement sonata form. I chose e flat minor because it has a dark, murky, mysterious quality. F Sharp Major is its relative major (which is used in classical sonata form for the countertheme and second movement when the main key is minor), which, to my ear, has a rich, yet frosty sound to it. Some Notes on "Sonata for Guitar and Piano in e flat minor"This piece has three movements. The first movement is a sonata allegretto in e flat minor, the second movement is a ternary andante in F Sharp Major, and the third movement is a quick-paced rondo in e flat minor. First Movement: AllegrettoThis movement moves along at a somewhat leisurely pace. The keyboard opens in the tonic key with a simple ostinato. The guitar then enters mimicking the ostinato before launching into the theme. The keyboards maintain a r