Big Small Biz

Success With No Stress



In today’s episode, we tackle the false notion of “Creatives Need Chaos”. You can be productive without the added stress when you take the proper steps to plan, focus and be intentional about your goals. As we prepare to propel in 2019, there are aspects of who we are that need sharpening and renewed! Rid yourself of false beliefs and dive into a season of peace, rest, blessings and favor. As we always say, we build on character and stand on integrity! Apart of the process is soul cleansing and evaluating life with a healthy perspective! To book a business consultation with Shenica S. Nelson, visit! Be sure to follow host Shenica S. Nelson on Twitter @ShenicaSNelson. Be sure to follow Big Small Biz on all Social Media Platforms, IG, Twitter, and FB at Big Small Biz Show!