North San Diego Business

Lucy Kelleher, Keep them Loyal



Lucy Kelleher, founder of Keep Them Loyal, worked as a litigation paralegal as well as an elementary school teacher. As a paralegal, she quickly learned how important it was to stay in contact with other attorneys, experts, service providers, and clients before, during, and even after a case concluded. Many times, when a “rush service” was needed Lucy knew who she could contact that would be willing to work with their office because Lucy had built up a relationship with them that wasn’t just about what they could do for us. Lucy learned their names, their offerings, more about them on a personal level. Lucy would stay in touch between cases.As an elementary school teacher, the same was true. Lucy needed to build relationships with the other staff members, school personnel, as well as the families of the students Lucy taught. Lucy learned she also needed to connect with and build relationships with local businesses to partner and support her classroom and school.When Lucy became a full-time entrepreneur, she r