North San Diego Business

Unlocking Your Intuitive Gifts with Katy Bray



Katy Bray is a professional clairvoyant whose direct and loving approach has been game changing for those seeking to achieve the next level of success with greater confidence and authenticity. As a clairvoyant, she is exceptionally well versed in transformative techniques for accessing information and fast-forward growth for her clients.Katy is a master in seeing all aspects to a person and their business. No matter what your level of success, there is always further to go. Katy thrives when supporting entrepreneurs in staying at the top of their game and strategizing their next steps in life and business.Katy is a certified Vedic Master, coach, Kundalini Reiki Master and Integrative Nutrition practitioner. She is sought-after speaker and author on conscious living and is proud to have a client base spanning 15 countries.