Verbal Diorama

Your Name. (Kimi no Na wa)



How can I write about Your Name? Is it possible to convey the jaw dropping beauty and breath-taking majesty of Your Name with words? I'm not really sure it is, but I take a stab at it in Episode 77 anyway, because Your Name is truly something magical and resplendent to witness. A simple boy meets girl love story, with an added element of celestial forces; Your Name takes a simple story and elevates it to a visual treat as well as an emotional powerhouse.Put simply, if you don't believe in true love or soulmates, you'll walk away from Your Name believing that both are possible, that connections between strangers exist and that person you took a double-glance at in the street may have been someone you knew, but you just don't remember that you knew them.I would love to hear your thoughts on Your Name!GET IN TOUCH....Twitter @verbaldioramaInstagram @verbaldioramaFacebook @verbaldioramaLetterboxd @verbaldioramaEmail verbaldiorama [at] gmail [dot] comWebsite