Hello Hello Kopi Ke Milo?

#042 Peminat Muzik Tegar, Budak baru belajar.



Zim Ahmadi is the true embodiment of a passionate soul. Zim not only understands the meaning of life, but he also lives and breath his true meaning. Zim Ahmadi studied Law and at one point didn't see the point of where his path was and like many others, took a leap of faith and made the jump head first to embark on his new journey as the head writer of Daily Seni. He is the soul behind Daily Seni's new direction going deeper into the local indie music scene a few years back. Zim Ahmadi is a music enthusiast who also writes his own materials as a medium of expression. Check out awfultrackrecord.com and let Zim Ahmadi take you for a walk around the park into his world of imagination. It's subjective. On this episode, we talked a lot about the freedom of expression, why Malaysia's artist are struggling to be heard and how Zim Ahmadi make a living to support himself manifesting his dreams and visions. Kasih leia Ixora, the lead singer of Senja also made a special appearance on episode - 42 (the meaning