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#012 - Annatasha found a cure for MONKEY DISEASE



25 years young, KL based creative, Annatasha Saifol is knowingly a "Jack of All Trades" in many different forms of self expressive skills. Blessed with a supportive mother, Annatasha was able to start trying different things at an extremely young age. As a natural born performer, she gravitated towards "Ballet Dancing" at first and then later went to music classes and took up guitar lessons and have never stopped performing ever since. She found her voice and created her brand "Monkey Disease" during the Myspace era and about the same time found a new love for photography. After high school, Tasha went for culinary arts course as a back up plan just in case her music career couldn't take off. With that, baking became her top 3 passion ever since. A passion that managed to help her monetise a lucrative amount of profit from her dessert business. That same project also contributed to her early success on social media a few years back. Tasha's journey obviously doesn't just stop there, she took the leap at 22 to