Laura Longley

Howard Martin of HeartMath Shares The Pursuit of Happiness: Keys to Feeling and Living Better



We hear all the time about the pursuit of happiness, but for many stress, money worries, and health issues take a toll on our ability to sustain a positive outlook on life. Perhaps it's not about pursuing happiness but rather creating it. New research has identified that the heart-brain connection plays a critical role in our resilience factor and in achieving happiness. Howard Martin, author of The HeartMath Solution and Executive Vice President and founding member of the HeartMath organization, will share fascinating research on the heart-brain connection. Howard will explain why this connection is so important when it comes to effectively reducing stress, building more resilience and experiencing more happiness. He will talk about practical tools that can improve the heart-brain connection and he'll provide you with new information to help you enrich your life and experience more happiness.