Roberta's Pearls

Oh here I am practicing answering a question!



Hello my friends! So, before being exposed to the onslaught of questions and help-seekers I'm sure to encounter, I thought I would practice doing a radio podcast. So listen in as I answer a REAL QUESTION that was sent to Dear Abby. Hopefully she won't be too worried about the competition. Or is she dead? I remember either Abigail Van Buren or Ann Landers did pass. Oh my why can't I remember such things? It's not kind to forget peoples deaths. They were twins you know and both very smart, wise and lovely. Wouldn't that be neat? Having a sister who looks like you? (Well, not if you were a man.) What fun you could have playing tricks! Well, it would be fun that is if your sister was decent, polite, and thoughtful when she visited (did not just show up but gave you some warning), gave you gifts that were as nice as the ones you gave (not just store bought from Target)... but that is an all together different matter isn't it? What do they say? My train just jumped tracks!- so sorry radio listeners. I lo