
98.1 WMXN



A Fictional Talk Radio HourFrom the radio waves of Greater Lake Downes in Louisiana is 98.1 WMXN, a public radio station currently suffering budget cuts. With callers, coverage of the march, and interviews of protestors, 98.1 brings you the Women's March on Washington.Audio Production: Alexander Charles AdamsVoices:Meg Grey as Lady GreyLaine Farber as Shana the Producer(in order of appearance) Sahir Khan, Lucas Thompson, Zoey Young, Emily Ruli, Samantha Kennedy, Grace Moody, and Carson Richman as the CallersAll "intern coverage" and "calls" are real people voicing their real opinionsSpecial Thanks: Rain Breedlove, Nicole Torres, Tyler McMorris, Kimberly Gagnet, Brianna Rhymes, and Carson