Straw Into Gold

The Mythic Imagination and Creativity



How can myths andfairy tales guide our lives? What can the realm of legend do for ourown creative journey? Today we'll hear excerpts from talks andinterviews by Cat Meehan and JonathanYoung. Cat is an artist who teaches a course called"Personal Myth, Fairytale and Mythos" that uses myth and art to helpyou explore your interior. Jonathan Young, Ph.D. is a psychologist and storyteller who travelsaround giving great seminars on the mythic imagination. We'll hear ashort excerpt of one of them. Please call in to contribute to thediscussion.Mentioned in the show:  Cat'sPersonalMyth, Fairytale and Mythos distance group,and JonathanYoung'sTheCenter for Story and SymbolworkshopsJungianPodcast (look for episodes 14-20)SeenaFrost's SoulCollage™processSoulCollage gathering October 23in San FranciscoHeart of Stillness,career guidance fromwithin workshop October 17, San FranciscoSpecialinvitation: Please participate in the God's AnsweringMachine project. Here is the number to God's AnsweringMachine: (800) 871-9012 x 317663