Tarot Tribe - Beyond Worlds

Ciro Marchetti on Publishing



Ciro Marchetti is one of the most recognized names in Tarot art, and he has had the unique experience of both self-publishing decks as well as mass publishing through major publishers, even having done both with some of the same decks. Ciro is joining us today to share some publishing tips with aspiring artists and deck creators. What are the perks and pitfalls of self-publishing or mass publishing? Is there a financial difference between them, or a difference in time involvement?  Ciro is the much sought-after artist who created the Gilded Tarot, Gilded Tarot Royale, Legacy of the Divine Tarot, Tarot of Dreams, Oracle of Visions, and Gilded Reverie Lenormand.  Join us as Ciro shares his unique publishing experience and shares nuggets of wisdom.  Learn more about Ciro and his work at his website, http://CiroMarchetti.com.