Simply Abundant Intuitive Hour

Stop Living The Life Of Other People; Tips to Live Your Own Now.



Many of us listen to old voices that tell us what we can and cannot do. Often it starts in childhood (i.e. “it’s impossible to succeed as an artist” or “you’re so good at math, you should go into engineering!”). Hear me when I say this… you are NOT obligated to live up to someone else’s expectations. Period. Doing so can result in feeling disconnected and depressed.But here’s the good news: It’s not too late to step into the driver’s seat of your own life. Living your truth requires listening to your intuition, which is probably not in alignment with your list of “shoulds.” What’s the worst that can happen by following your bliss? Follow it through to the end result, then ask yourself if it’s better or worse than living a limited life. Every day that you put energy towards what you love, you win. You become the person you really are, and those old voices start to quiet down.Learn what amazing effects await when you stop listening to other people and start listening to yourself. You may just be tempted to try