Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

052 Creating a Greener World with Women at the Helm – An Interview with Joan Michelson – Pt. 1



In this episode, Christina Martini and Joan Michelson discuss: Having a diversity of voices and innovators at the table when it comes to change. Taking risks and watching for opportunities. How hiring systems can harm your business. Diversity is a powerful tool for your company. Finding ways to shift the paradigm of how business has been to find what it can be.   Key Takeaways: Do things differently – that is how you will achieve hockey stick growth. Find out what you know, then package it in a way that shows what you can do. Find ways to share your ideas and competency with confidence. Know when to open your mouth and when to keep it closed.   “Diversity needs a diversity of experience.” —  Joan Michelson   About Joan Michelson: Joan is an award-winning business and communications leader, public speaker and host of the acclaimed podcast series, Green Connections Radio, which was chosen in 2015 as one of the top six podcasts by USA Today, especially for business t