Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

051 Finding Your Rhythm and Voice as a Leader — An Interview with Mona Vogele Pt 2



In this episode, Christina Martini and Mona Vogele discuss: Recognizing the difference between management and leadership. Building strong relationships to create a culture of trust. Developing leaders, not training leaders. Navigating change in a business and organization. Leveraging differences in a multi-generational workforce. Key Takeaways: When you put people ahead of product, you make more money. Be aware, be self-aware, and know who you are and who you need to be in any situation. Closing the leadership skills gap is going to be critical in the next 3-5 years. Communicate clearly and often during change. “Start now and get ahead of the game. Start empowering your teams and lead with trust. Trust that they’re doing the things that they’re supposed to do. Give them that flexibility, that autonomy and trust, ask questions, but help them to connect ideas and treat them like leaders.” —  Mona Vogele About Mona Vogele:  Mona Vogele is a classically trained musician, former radi