Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

029 Decision Making for Lawyers with David Susler- Part 1 of a 2 Part Series



Decision Making for Lawyers with David Susler In this episode, Christina Martini and David Susler discuss: • Breaking down a decision for lawyers and business professionals • How to move business forward and not be exposed to undue risk in decision making. • DecisionMaking varies depending on the circumstances – each company and set of circumstances is different. Answers are correct based on a particular moment in time. • The dichotomy between the right legal answer and the right business answer. Key Takeaways: • A lot of decisions are a careful balance between fact gathering, research, sound business judgment, and your intuition, based on what you have seen and learned over the years. • It’s important to be able to accurately assess the kinds of decisionmakers and people you are working with as your clients in order to help them reach the right decision. • Know what is going on in the world, it may change what the decision will be. • You can never make a perfect decision – to get the best decision, y