Anita Pathik Law

Answering the Calling of Your Heart; Living the Intention of Your Soul



Imagine awakening every day with a sense of passion, purpose and excitement. Imagine knowing, absent of any doubt that you were aligned with your destiny. And now, imagine what it would be like to feel trust, faith and courage, no matter what is happening in your life because you know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You have the power to create the life of your design. As you stand on the precipice of a New Year and face limitless possibilities and new beginnings how aligned you are with the calling of your heart and the intention of your soul will determine whether you relive the past or create a future well beyond your wildest dreams?When you are aligned with your life plan and up to speed with what you wish to create, miracles happen. The question is – are you ready to say yes and do what it takes to bring your ideas and desires into a tangible reality? In this two-part series, with Rev. Dr. Lorraine Cohen and Rev. Anita Pathik Law, you will learn…•How to Make the Distinction Between the