Focus On Style With Sharon Haver & Brad Boles

Color Chic: How To Add Color To Your Life- Home, Makeup, and Fashion Tips



The right colors are beautiful but so many of us are color challenged and fear color so much that they live a drab existence or overload on the wrong color merriment and look cheap.FULL STORY: & Brad open up their homes and share style tips to make color work in your life in a very chic wayFrom runway to your home... adding bold moves of color can be the perfect dramatic change to take you from drab to fab!Before you paint your home, listen to this show...The right colors are beautiful but so many of us are color challenged and fear color so much that they live a drab existence or overload on the wrong color that cheapens the intended result.In this episode of Focus on Style Talk Radio, co-hosts Sharon Haver & Brad Boles tell you how to add color to your home with paint and accessory touches, makeup and wardrobe. A little color goes a long way, so sit back and learn what's hot and what's not in this