CJ Liu

Brain Science and tapping the potential of your teens brain with Dr. Joann Deak



Have you ever ask your teen "What the heck were you thinking of" only to get a blank confused look in return? JoAnn Deak, Ph.D, shares exactly what is inside that wonderful teen brain. Guess what, it's not filled with cotton :. Plus, Dr. Deak says parents can be a neuro sculptor of our child's brain and play a critical role in providing an environment to cultivate your child's brain development. Get your scalpes out and find out how we sculpt our children's brain to do more than just pick up their socks. Learn about the differences between the female and male brain. Find out why parents and educators at schools from New York to Hawaii have heralded Dr. Deak's ability to demystify complex issues of child development, learning, identify formation and brain research.